
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.5.0 version

A-Frame’s utility modules are public through AFRAME.utils.


Module for handling vec3 and vec4 types.


Tests whether a string is a vec3.

AFRAME.utils.coordinates.isCoordinate('1 2 3')
// >> true


Parses an “x y z” string to an {x, y, z} vec3 object. Or parses an “x y z w” string to an {x, y, z w} vec3 object.

AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse('1 2 -3')
// >> {x: 1, y: 2, z: -3}


Stringifies an {x, y, z} vec3 object to an “x y z” string.

AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify({x: 1, y: 2, z: -3})
// >> "1 2 -3"


.getComponentProperty(entity, componentName, delimiter='.')

Performs like Entity.getAttribute, but with support for return an individual property for a multi-property component. componentName is a string that can either be a component name, or a component name delimited with a property name.

// <a-entity id="box" geometry="primitive: box"></a-entity>
var entity = document.querySelector('#box');

AFRAME.utils.entity.getComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry.primitive');
AFRAME.utils.entity.getComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry|primitive', '|');
// >> 'box'

AFRAME.utils.entity.getComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry');
// >> {primitive: 'box', width: 1, ...}

This is useful for components that need a way to reference a property of a multi-property component.

.setComponentProperty(entity, componentName, value, delimiter)

Performs like Entity.setAttribute, but with support for setting an individual property for a multi-property component. componentName is a string that can either be a component name, or a component name delimited with a property name.

// <a-entity id="box" geometry="primitive: box"></a-entity>
var entity = document.querySelector('#box');

AFRAME.utils.entity.setComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry.width', 1);
AFRAME.utils.entity.setComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry|height', 2, '|');
AFRAME.utils.entity.setComponentProperty(entity, 'geometry', {depth: 3});



Parses a CSS style-like string to an object.

AFRAME.utils.styleParser.parse('attribute: color; dur: 5000;')
// >> {"attribute": "color", "dur": "5000"}


Stringifies an object to a CSS style-like string.

AFRAME.utils.styleParser.stringify({height: 10, width: 5})
// >> "height: 10; width: 5"

Object Utils

AFRAME.utils.deepEqual(a, b)

Checks if two objects have the same attributes and values, including nested objects.

deepEqual({a: 1, b: {c: 3}}, {a: 1, b: {c: 3}})
// >> true

AFRAME.utils.diff(a, b)

Returns difference between two objects. The returned object’s set of keys denote which values were not equal, and the set of values are b‘s values.

diff({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {b: 2, c: 4})
// >> {"a": undefined, "c": 4}

AFRAME.utils.extend(target, source, [source, ...])

Object Assign polyfill

AFRAME.utils.extendDeep(target, source, [source, ...])

Deep Assign