
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.5.0 version

The curved image primitive creates images that bend around the user. Curved images arranged around the camera can be pleasing for legibility since each pixel sits at the same distance from the user. They can be a better choice than angled flat planes for complex layouts because they ensure a smooth surface rather than a series of awkward seams between planes. It is an entity that prescribes a double-sided open-ended cylinder with the geometry component and rendering textures on the inside of the cylinder with the material component.


<img id="my-image" src="image.png">

<!-- Using the asset management system. -->
<a-curvedimage src="#my-image" height="3.0" radius="5.7" theta-length="72"
rotation="0 100 0" scale="0.8 0.8 0.8"></a-curvedimage>

<!-- Defining the URL inline. Not recommended but more comfortable for web developers. -->
<a-curvedimage src="another-image.png"></a-curvedimage>


Attribute Component Mapping Default Value
color material.color #FFF
height geometry.height 1
metalness material.metalness 0
opacity material.opacity 1
open-ended geometry.openEnded false
radius geometry.radius 1
repeat material.repeat None
roughness material.roughness 0.5
segments-height geometry.segmentsHeight 18
segments-radial geometry.segmentsRadial 36
shader material.shader flat
side material.side front
src material.src None
theta-length geometry.thetaLength 360
theta-start geometry.thetaStart 0
transparent material.transparent false


Ensuring that the image is not distorted by stretching requires us to carefully set the height, radius, and theta-length attributes with respect to the image aspect ratio. Once those values are fine-tuned to avoid distortion, scale can then be used to safely adjust the distance of the curved image relative to the user.