
Note: This documentation is for the old 1.2.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

A-Frame represents an entity via the <a-entity> element. As defined in the entity-component-system pattern, entities are placeholder objects to which we plug in components to provide them appearance, behavior, and functionality.

In A-Frame, entities are inherently attached with the position, rotation, and scale components.


Consider the entity below. By itself, it has no appearance, behavior, or functionality. It does nothing:


We can attach components to it to make it render something or do something. To give it shape and appearance, we can attach the geometry and material components:

<a-entity geometry="primitive: box" material="color: red">

Or to make it emit light, we can further attach the light component:

<a-entity geometry="primitive: box" material="color: red"
light="type: point; intensity: 2.0">

Retrieving an Entity

We can simply retrieve an entity using DOM APIs.

<a-entity id="mario"></a-entity>
var el = document.querySelector('#mario');

Once we have an entity, we have access to its properties and methods detailed below.



<a-entity>.components is an object of components attached to the entity. This gives us access to the entity’s components including each component’s data, state, and methods.

For example, if we wanted to grab an entity’s three.js camera object or material object, we could reach into its components:

var camera = document.querySelector('a-entity[camera]').components.camera.camera;
var material = document.querySelector('a-entity[material]').components.material.material;

Or if a component exposes an API, we can call its methods:



Whether the entity has attached and initialized all of its components. Though the best way to ensure code is run after the entity is ready is to place code within a component.


Whether the entity is active and playing. If we pause the entity , then isPlaying becomes false.


<a-entity>.object3D is a reference to the entity’s three.js Object3D representation. More specifically, object3D will be a THREE.Group object that may contain different types of THREE.Object3Ds such as cameras, meshes, lights, or sounds:

// Gaining access to the internal three.js scene graph.
var groupObject3D = document.querySelector('a-entity').object3D;

We can access the different types of Object3Ds through object3DMap.


An entity’s object3DMap is an object that gives access to the different types of THREE.Object3Ds (e.g., camera, meshes, lights, sounds) that components have set.

For an entity with a geometry and light components attached, object3DMap might look like:

light: <THREE.Light Object>,
mesh: <THREE.Mesh Object>

We can manage an entity’s set of THREE.Object3Ds by using setObject3D and removeObject3D.


An entity has a reference to its scene element.

var sceneEl = document.querySelector('a-scene');
var entity = sceneEl.querySelector('a-entity');
console.log(entity.sceneEl === sceneEl); // >> true.


addState (stateName)

addState will push a state onto the entity. This will emit the stateadded event, and we can check the state can for existence using .is:

entity.addEventListener('stateadded', function (evt) {
if (evt.detail === 'selected') {
console.log('Entity now selected!');

entity.is('selected'); // >> true

destroy ()

Clean up memory related to the entity such as clearing all components and their data.

emit (name, detail, bubbles)

emit emits a custom DOM event on the entity. For example, we can emit an event to trigger an animation:

// <a-entity animation="property: rotation; to: 0 360 0; startEvents: rotate">

We can also pass event detail or data as the second argument:

entity.emit('collide', { target: collidingEntity });

The event will bubble by default. we can tell it not to bubble by passing false for bubble:

entity.emit('sink', null, false);

flushToDOM (recursive)

flushToDOM will manually serialize an entity’s components’ data and update the DOM. Read more about component-to-DOM serialization.

getAttribute (componentName)

getAttribute retrieves parsed component data (including mixins and defaults).

// <a-entity geometry="primitive: box; width: 3">

// >> {primitive: "box", depth: 2, height: 2, width: 3, ...}

// >> "box"

// >> 2

// >> {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}

If componentName is not the name of a registered component, getAttribute will behave as it normally would:

// <a-entity data-position="0 1 1">

// >> "0 1 1"

getDOMAttribute (componentName)

getDOMAttribute retrieves only parsed component data that is explicitly defined in the DOM or via setAttribute. If componentName is the name of a registered component, getDOMAttribute will return only the component data defined in the HTML as a parsed object. getDOMAttribute for components is the partial form of getAttribute since the returned component data does not include applied mixins or default values:

Compare the output of the above example of getAttribute:

// <a-entity geometry="primitive: box; width: 3">

// >> { primitive: "box", width: 3 }

// >> "box"

// >> undefined

// >> undefined

getObject3D (type)

getObject3D looks up a child THREE.Object3D referenced by type on object3DMap.

AFRAME.registerComponent('example-mesh', {
init: function () {
var el = this.el;
el.setObject3D('mesh', new THREE.Mesh());
el.getObject3D('mesh'); // Returns THREE.Mesh that was just created.

pause ()

pause() will stop any dynamic behavior as defined by animations and components. When we pause an entity, it will stop its animations and call Component.pause() on each of its components. The components decide to implement what happens on pause, which is often removing event listeners. An entity will call pause() on its child entities when we pause an entity.

// <a-entity id="spinning-jumping-ball">

For example, the look-controls component on pause will remove event handlers that listen for input.

play ()

play() will start any dynamic behavior as defined by animations and components. This is automatically called when the DOM attaches an entity. When an entity play(), the entity calls play() on its child entities.


For example, the sound component on play will begin playing the sound.

setAttribute (componentName, value, [propertyValue | clobber])

If componentName is not the name of a registered component or the component is a single-property component, setAttribute behaves as it normally would:

entity.setAttribute('visible', false);

Though if componentName is the name of a registered component, it may handle special parsing for the value. For example, the position component is a single-property component, but its property type parser allows it to take an object:

entity.setAttribute('position', { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 });

Updating Multi-Property Component Data

To update component data for a multi-property component, we can pass the name of a registered component as the componentName, and pass an object of properties as the value. A string is also acceptable (e.g., type: spot; distance: 30), but objects will save A-Frame some work in parsing:

// Only the properties passed in the object will be overwritten.
entity.setAttribute('light', {
type: 'spot',
distance: 30,
intensity: 2.0

Or to update individual properties for a multi-property component, we can pass the name of registered component as the componentName, a property name as the second argument, and the property value to set as the third argument:

// All previous properties for the material component (besides the color)  will be unaffected.
entity.setAttribute('material', 'color', 'crimson');

Note that array property types behave uniquely:

  • Arrays are mutable. They are assigned by reference so changes to arrays will be visible by the component.
  • Updates to array type properties will not trigger the component’s update method nor emit events.

Putting Multi-Property Component Data

If true is passed as the third argument to .setAttribute, then non-specified properties will be reset and clobbered:

// All previous properties for the light component will be removed and overwritten.
entity.setAttribute('light', {
type: 'spot',
distance: 30,
intensity: 2.0
}, true);

setObject3D (type, obj)

setObject3D will register the passed obj, a THREE.Object3D, as type under the entity’s object3DMap. A-Frame adds obj as a child of the entity’s root object3D. An entity will emit the object3dset event with type event detail when setObject3D is called.

AFRAME.registerComponent('example-orthogonal-camera', {
update: function () {
this.el.setObject3D('camera', new THREE.OrthogonalCamera());

removeAttribute (componentName, propertyName)

If componentName is the name of a registered component, along with removing the attribute from the DOM, removeAttribute will also detach the component from the entity, invoking the component’s remove lifecycle method.

entity.removeAttribute('geometry');  // Detach the geometry component.
entity.removeAttribute('sound'); // Detach the sound component.

If propertyName is given, removeAttribute will reset the property value of that property specified by propertyName to the property’s default value:

entity.setAttribute('material', 'color', 'blue');  // The color is blue.
entity.removeAttribute('material', 'color'); // Reset the color to the default value, white.

removeObject3D (type)

removeObject3D removes the object specified by type from the entity’s THREE.Group and thus from the scene. This will update the entity’s object3DMap, setting the value of the type key to null. This is generally called from a component, often within the remove handler:

AFRAME.registerComponent('example-light', {
update: function () {
this.el.setObject3D('light', new THREE.Light());
// Light is now part of the scene.
// object3DMap.light is now a THREE.Light() object.

remove: function () {
// Light is now removed from the scene.
// object3DMap.light is now null.

removeState (stateName)

removeState will pop a state from the entity. This will emit the stateremoved event, and we can check the state its removal using .is:

entity.addEventListener('stateremoved', function (evt) {
if (evt.detail.state === 'selected') {
console.log('Entity no longer selected.');

entity.is('selected'); // >> true

entity.is('selected'); // >> false


Event Name Description
child-attached A child entity was attached to the entity.
child-detached A child entity was detached from the entity.
componentchanged One of the entity’s components was modified. This event is throttled. Do not use this for reading position and rotation changes, rather use a tick handler.
componentinitialized One of the entity’s components was initialized.
componentremoved One of the entity’s components was removed.
loaded The entity has attached and initialized its components.
object3dset THREE.Object3D was set on entity using setObject3D(name). Event detail will contain name used to set on the object3DMap.
pause The entity is now inactive and paused in terms of dynamic behavior.
play The entity is now active and playing in terms of dynamic behavior.
stateadded The entity received a new state.
stateremoved The entity no longer has a certain state.
schemachanged The schema of a component was changed.

Event Detail

Below is what the event detail contains for each event:

Event Name Property Description
child-attached el Reference to the attached child element.
componentchanged name Name of component that had its data modified.
id ID of component that had its data modified.
componentinitialized name Name of component that was initialized.
id ID of component that had its data modified.
data Component data.
componentremoved name Name of component that was removed.
id ID of component that was removed.
stateadded N/A The state that was attached (string).
stateremoved N/A The state that was detached (string).
schemachanged component Name of component that had it’s schema changed.

Listening for Component Changes

We can use the componentchanged event to listen for changes to the entity:

entity.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) {
if (evt.detail.name === 'position') {
console.log('Entity has moved to', evt.target.getAttribute('position'), '!');

Listening for Child Elements Being Attached and Detached

We can use the child-attached and child-detached events to listen for when the scene attaches or detaches an entity:

entity.addEventListener('child-attached', function (evt) {
if (evt.detail.el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a-box') {
console.log('a box element has been attached');