
The text component renders signed distance field (SDF) font text.

Example Image


Note that rendering text in 3D is hard. In 2D web development, text is the most basic thing because the browser’s renderer and layout engine handle everything. In a 3D context, we don’t have those luxuries. There are several other different ways to render text in A-Frame including:

As a default, we’ve selected SDF-based text to be included as a core component due to its relatively good performance and clarity. This component uses mattdesl’s three-bmfont-text library. The standard text component has a long lineage, starting out as a community component and was forked and improved several times before landing into A-Frame!


Here’s a basic example of text defining just the content with not much other configuration.

<a-entity text="value: Hello World;"></a-entity>

See more examples to see configuration of alignments, anchors, baselines, scaling, and auto-sizing.

Open any of these example scenes, hit <ctrl> + <alt> + i to open the Inspector, and play with all the possible values to see the effects instantly!

Inspecting Text


Property Description Default Value
align Multi-line text alignment (left, center, right). left
alphaTest Discard text pixels if alpha is less than this value. 0.5
anchor Horizontal positioning (left, center, right, align). center
baseline Vertical positioning (top, center, bottom). center
color Text color. white
font Font to render text, either the name of one of A-Frame’s stock fonts or a URL to a font file default
fontImage Font image texture path to render text. Defaults to the font‘s name with extension replaced to .png. Don’t need to specify if using a stock font. derived from font name
height Height of text block. derived from text size
letterSpacing Letter spacing in pixels. 0
lineHeight Line height in pixels. derived from font file
opacity Opacity, on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 means fully transparent and 1 means fully opaque. 1.0
shader Shader used to render text. sdf
side Side to render. (front, back, double) front
tabSize Tab size in spaces. 4
transparent Whether text is transparent. true
value The actual content of the text. Line breaks and tabs are supported with \n and \t. ‘’
whiteSpace How whitespace should be handled (i.e., normal, pre, nowrap). Read more about whitespace. normal
width Width in meters. derived from geometry if exists
wrapCount Number of characters before wrapping text (more or less). 40
wrapPixels Number of pixels before wrapping text. derived from wrapCount
xOffset X-offset to apply to add padding. 0
zOffset Z-offset to apply to avoid Z-fighting if using with a geometry as a background. 0.001

The implementation is based on mattdesl’s three-bmfont-text. Read more about the text properties.


Event Name Description
textfontset Emitted when the font source has been loaded


We can specify different fonts, although the process is not as simple as Web Fonts. The text component defaults to roboto which uses a multi-channel signed distance (MSDF) font. MSDF helps to preserve sharp corners and edges.

Stock Fonts

Select from one of A-Frame’s built-in fonts. These fonts will be loaded in from over a CDN. If you want your application to work better offline, download these fonts locally and point to them via a URL.

Stock MSDF Fonts URL
roboto https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/Roboto-msdf.json
Stock SDF Fonts URL
aileronsemibold https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/Aileron-Semibold.fnt
dejavu https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/DejaVu-sdf.fnt
exo2bold https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/Exo2Bold.fnt
exo2semibold https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/Exo2SemiBold.fnt
kelsonsans https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/KelsonSans.fnt
monoid https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/Monoid.fnt
mozillavr https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/mozillavr.fnt
sourcecodepro https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/SourceCodePro.fnt

Custom Fonts

Different fonts can be specified using the font and fontImage properties.

<a-entity text="font: mozillavr; value: Via stock font name."></a-entity>
<a-entity text="font: https://cdn.aframe.io/fonts/mozillavr.fnt; value: Via URL."></a-entity>
<a-entity text="text: Hello World; font: ../fonts/DejaVu-sdf.fnt; fontImage: ../fonts/DejaVu-sdf.png"></a-entity>

If not specified, fontImage will be the font‘s name, but with the extension replaced to .png. For example, if the font path ends with mozillavr.fnt, then the fontImage texture will default to mozillavr.png.

Generating SDF Fonts

On top of the stock fonts, we can generate SDF fonts using Hiero, a bitmap font packing tool. See this guide for generating SDF fonts.

We can also generate MSDF fonts using a web-based MSDF tool, or on the commandline with msdfgen or msdf-bmfont. Tools for MSDF fonts may be less mature than the SDF alternatives.

Below is an example comparing a font generated with Hiero, Arial Black, with the SDF font, DejaVu:

Arial Black vs. Deja Vu

Non-ASCII Characters

To use non-ascii characters, you need to create your own custom font. The easiest way is to use a web-based MSDF tool. Select your required character set and generate your own custom msdf font zip file.

Here is an example of a French character set you can use:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.?!/:;,*§£$ø@+°-~#&²'{}[]|`\()=%*µ àâéèëêïîöôùüûÀÂÉÈËÊÏÎÖÔÜÛçÇ€

Once you download your custom msdf font zip file, extract it, then put both png and json files to your A-Frame directory. From A-Frame 0.9.0 and above, you don’t need to rename *.png to *-msdf.png anymore, A-Frame loads the image defined in the json file.

Lastly, you should specify the character set used in your HTML by using <meta> tag to avoid text to be garbled. If your text is garbled, it is not rendered.

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.6.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<a-sky color="lightblue"></a-sky>
<a-text value="ABCあいうえお日本語" font="custom-msdf.json" font-image="custom-msdf.png" negate="false" scale="2 2 1" position="-2 2 -4"></a-text>


To change the size of the text, we can:

  • Change the width.
  • Change the wrapCount (roughly how many characters to fit inside the given width).
  • Change wrapPixels.
  • Change the scale component.
  • Position the text closer or farther away.


Text can be wrapped by specifying width in A-Frame units.

In case we need to do custom layout or need to know the bounds of the text, the output length of the text can be pre-calculated dynamically with something like:

totalWidth = data.value.length * (data.width / data.wrapCount)


The text component introduces special behavior when using alongside the geometry component (e.g., a background plane) to fit. Note this only works with 2D-friendly geometries that define a width and height (i.e., box, plane). The text can either be scaled, bounded, or aligned in relation to the geometry, or the text can auto-scale the geometry to fit the text.

Geometry Alignments

Scaling Text to Fit Geometry

To have the text component’s width property automatically scale to match the geometry component’s width, do not specify a width for the text component:

geometry="primitive: plane; width: 4; height: 0"
material="color: blue"
text="value: This text will be 4 units wide."></a-entity>

Scaling Geometry to Fit Text

To have the geometry automatically scale with the text, set the geometry component’s width and height properties to 0, and set the text component’s width as desired. In this example, the plane’s width will be set to 4 units, and its height will be set to match the actual height of the text:

geometry="primitive: plane; height: 0; width: 0"
material="color: blue"
text="width: 4; value: This text will be 4 units wide."></a-entity>

Note that if neither geometry nor text specify a width, the text width property will default to 1 unit (meter), and the geometry width property will then become 1 unit as well.

geometry="primitive: plane"
material="color: blue"
text="value: 1-wide\ndefault."></a-entity>


The text component does not make use of all of the features of the three-bmfont-text library nor its sister modules.

Bitmap font rendering limits you to the characters included in the font (Unicode this is not). SDF font rendering tends to produce smooth sharp edges though there are ways around this.

The generated text is not suitable for raycaster intersection testing. For raycaster or cursor detection it is necessary to use a geometry component along with the text component.

Further Reading

If you are curious about the details of text rendering in WebGL, three.js, and A-Frame, below are links to some background reading: