The cubemap primitive is used to create a CubeTexture environment map from 6 square images.
This can then be used as an envMap in the material component, or on a probe light.
<a-scene> <a-assets> <a-cubemap id="reflection"> <img src="milkyway/px.jpg"> <img src="milkyway/nx.jpg"> <img src="milkyway/py.jpg"> <img src="milkyway/ny.jpg"> <img src="milkyway/pz.jpg"> <img src="milkyway/nz.jpg"> </a-cubemap> </a-assets>
<a-sphere position="0 1 -2" material="envMap:#reflection; metalness:1.0; roughness:0.0"> </a-sphere> </a-scene>
No attributes. The cubemap is configured by creating 6 child elements beneath it.