
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.1.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.5.0 version

The curved image primitive makes it easy to create layouts that seem to bend around the user. Curved images arranged around the camera can be a pleasing choice for legibility because each pixel sits at the same distance from the user. They can also be a better choice than angled flat planes for complex layouts because they ensure a smooth surface, instead of a series of awkward seams between planes.

The curved image primitive wraps an entity that contains geometry and material components.

Attribute Default Value Component Mapping
height 1 geometry.height
opacty 1 geometry.radius
radius 2 geometry.radius
segments-radial 48 geometry.segmentsRadial
src None material.src
theta-length 360 geometry.thetaLength
theta-start 0 geometry.thetaStart
transparent true material.transparent

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Note that the current <a-curvedimage> primitive implementation is a bit difficult to work with. Ensuring that the image is not distorted by stretching requires the developer to carefully set the radius, theta-length and height in relation to the source image aspect ration. Our intent is to dramatically simplify curved images in future versions of A-Frame, so that developers can simply provide an image, a length and a radius, and get back an undistorted image, perfectly fit to the cylinder surface.

Once radius, theta-length and height have been set to avoid distortion, scale can then be used to safely adjust the distance of the curved image relative to the user, assuming both camera and curved image share the same position.


A 1247 × 461 bitmap applied undistorted to a curved image:

<a-curvedimage src="../_images/ui/2.png" radius="5.7" theta-length="72" height="3.02" rotation="0 100 0" scale="0.8 0.8 0.8"></a-curvedimage>