Note: This documentation is for the old 1.4.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
Starting with Safari on iOS 13 browsers require sites to be served over https
and request user permission to access DeviceOrientation events. This component presents a permission dialog for the user to grant or deny access.
The device-orientation-permission-ui component applies only to the <a-scene>
To configure the style of the dialog one can redefine the associated css styles. To change the colors of the allow, deny and ok buttons:
.a-dialog-allow-button { |
The dialog can also be disabled all together if you prefer to handle the permissions workflow differently.
<a-scene device-orientation-permission-ui="enabled: false"></a-scene> |
Property | Description | Default Value |
enabled | Whether or not to display the dialog when required | true |
denyButtonText | Deny button text | English text |
allowButtonText | Allow button text | English text |
cancelButtonText | Cancel button text | English text |
deviceMotionMessage | Message in dialog requesting user permission to enable the Device Motion API. | English text |
mobileDesktopMessage | Message displayed in modal requesting user to switch to mobile browsing mode. | English text |
httpsMessage | Message requesting user to switch to HTTPS. | English text |
Event Name | Description |
deviceorientationpermissiongranted | User has granted access to DeviceOrientation events |
deviceorientationpermissionrejected | User or browser has denied access to DeviceOrientation events |
deviceorientationpermissionrequested | Application has requested permission to access DeviceOrientation events |