Note: This documentation is for the old 1.1.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The renderer
system configures a scene’s
THREE.WebGLRenderer instance.
It also configures presentation attributes when entering WebVR/WebXR.
<a-scene renderer="antialias: true; |
Property | Description | Default Value |
antialias | Whether to perform antialiasing. If auto , antialiasing is disabled on mobile. |
auto |
colorManagement | Whether to use a color-managed linear workflow. | false |
highRefreshRate | Toggles 72hz mode on Oculus Browser. Defaults to 60hz. | false |
foveationLevel | Enables foveation in VR to improve perf. 0 none, 1 low, 2 medium, 3 high | 0 |
sortObjects | Whether to sort objects before rendering. | false |
physicallyCorrectLights | Whether to use physically-correct light attenuation. | false |
maxCanvasWidth | Maximum canvas width. Uses the size multiplied by device pixel ratio. Does not limit canvas width if set to -1. | 1920 |
maxCanvasHeight | Maximum canvas height. Behaves the same as maxCanvasWidth. | 1920 |
logarithmicDepthBuffer | Whether to use a logarithmic depth buffer. | auto |
precision | Fragment shader precision : low, medium or high. | high |
alpha | Whether the canvas should contain an alpha buffer. | true |
NOTE: Once the scene is initialized, these properties may no longer be changed.
When enabled, smooths jagged edges on curved lines and diagonals at moderate performance cost. By default, antialiasing is disabled on mobile devices.
Color management provides more accurate rendering and reduces the likelihood that scenes will appear overlit or “washed out.” Enabling color management is recommended for precisely matching colors from texturing and modeling tools, but unofficial components may not always respond to color management properly at this time.
Managed and unmanaged color modes are similar to linear and gamma workflows, respectively, in other engines and tools.
NOTE: In three.js, and previous versions of A-Frame, a
gammaOutput: true
property was available. This is applied automatically when color management is enabled.
Toggles on the highest refresh rate for the given device. Currently this is supported on the Oculus Browser in Oculus Go and switches rendering from 60hz to 72hz.
Sets the level of requested foveation which renders fewer pixels around the edges of the viewport when in stereo rendering mode on certain systems. This is currently supported by the Oculus Browser on the Oculus Go with values ranging from 0 (none) to 3 (high).
Sorting is used to attempt to properly render objects that have some degree of transparency.
Due to various limitations, proper transparency often requires some amount of careful setup.
By default, objects are not sorted, and the order of elements in the DOM determines order of
rendering. Re-ordering DOM elements provides one way of forcing a consistent behavior, whereas
use of renderer="sortObjects: true"
may cause unwanted changes as the camera moves.
By default, point and spot lights attenuate (or, appear dimmer as they become farther away)
according to a model that is classically common, but physically inaccurate. For more realistic
light attenuation, set renderer="physicallyCorrectLights: true"
. Light intensities may need to
be adjusted when making this change. Performance is not significantly affected in either mode.
NOTE: When glTF models contain lights, use the physically-correct lighting mode to match the results in the original modeling tool.
A logarithmic depth buffer may provide better sorting and rendering in scenes containing very large differences of scale and distance.
Set precision in fragment shaders. Main use is to address issues in older hardware / drivers. Adreno 300 series GPU based phones are particularly problematic. You can set to mediump
as a workaround. It will improve performance, in mobile in particular but be aware that might cause visual artifacts in shaders / textures.
Whether the canvas should contain an alpha buffer. If this is true the renderer will have a transparent backbuffer and the canvas can be composited with the rest of the webpage. See here for more info.