
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.6.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.6.0 version

Also check out the aframe-animation-component

We can add animations in A-Frame attaching an <a-animation> element as a child of the entity to animate.

As an introductory example, to define a 5-meter orbit on an entity about the Y-axis that takes 10 seconds, we can offset its position and animate the rotation of a parent entity. This animation starts with the initial rotation about the Y-axis of 0 degrees and goes around to 360 degrees. It’s defined with a duration of 10000 milliseconds, maintains the final value on each cycle of the animation, and loops indefinitely.

<a-entity position="5 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-animation attribute="rotation"
to="0 360 0"


Here is an overview of animation attributes. We’ll go into more detail below.

Attribute Description Default Value
attribute Attribute to animate. To specify a component attribute, use syntax (e.g., light.intensity). rotation
begin Event name to wait on before beginning animation. ‘’
delay Delay (in milliseconds) or event name to wait on before beginning animation. 0
direction Direction of the animation (between from and to). One of alternate, alternateReverse, normal, reverse. normal
dur Duration in (milliseconds) of the animation. 1000
easing Easing function of the animation. There are very many to choose from. ease
end Event name to wait on before stopping animation. ‘’
fill Determines effect of animation when not actively in play. One of backwards, both, forwards, none. forwards
from Starting value. Current value.
repeat Repeat count or indefinite. 0
to Ending value. Must be specified. None

Animating Different Types of Properties

A-Frame’s animation system can animate different types of properties.

vec3 Properties

A-Frame has standard vec3 components (i.e., position, rotation, and scale). These components consist of three factors: X, Y, and Z. We can pass three space-delimited numbers to the from and to attributes just as we would define them on an entity. In this case, the animation system will assume we are animating a vec3 value.

For example, if we want to animate an entity going from one spot to another, we can animate the position component.

<a-animation attribute="position" from="1 1 1" to="2 4 -8"></a-animation>

Boolean Properties

A-Frame has standard components that accept a single boolean value. Boolean values can be “animated” as well by flipping the boolean at the end of each animation cycle.

For example, we can define an animation that toggles off the visibility of an entity after 5 seconds.

<a-animation attribute="visible" dur="5000" to="false" repeat="indefinite"></a-animation>

Numeric Properties

We can animate numeric attributes as well. For example, we can animate the intensity of the light primitive.

<a-light intensity="1">
<a-animation attribute="intensity" to="3"></a-animation>

Color Properties

We can animate any component property that has a color type. For example, we can animate a box from white to red.

<a-entity id="blushing-cube" geometry="primitive: box">
<a-animation attribute="material.color" from="white" to="red" dur="1000"></a-animation>

Component Properties

We can animate a certain property of a multi-property component. To do so, we select the component property using the dot syntax: componentName.propertyName.

For example, to animate a cone’s top radius, we can select the radiusTop value with geometry.radiusTop.

<a-entity geometry="primitive: cone; radiusTop: 1">
<a-animation attribute="geometry.radiusTop" to="0.5"></a-animation>


The begin attribute defines when the animation should start playing.

This can either be a number, representing milliseconds to wait, or an event name to wait for. For example, we can define an animation that waits 2 seconds before scaling an entity.

<a-animation attribute="scale" begin="2000" to="2 2 2"></a-animation>

Or we can define an animation that waits for the parent element to trigger an event named fade before fading an entity.

<a-entity id="fading-cube" geometry="primitive: box" material="opacity: 1">
<a-animation attribute="material.opacity" begin="fade" to="0"></a-animation>
// Trigger an event to begin fading.


The direction attribute defines which way to animate between the starting value and the final value.

When we define an alternating direction, the animation will go back and forth between the from and to values like a yo-yo. Alternating directions only take affect when we repeat the animation.

Value Description
alternate On even-numbered cycles, animate from from to to. On odd-numbered cycles, animation from to to from
alternate-reverse On odd-numbered cycles, animate from from to to. On even-numbered cycles, animation from to to from
normal Animate from from to to.
reverse Animate from to to from.


The easing attribute defines the easing function of the animation, which defaults to ease. There are too many easing functions to list, but we can implicitly explain them.

One possible value is linear. And the basic easing functions are ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out.

Then there are more groups of easing functions. The above basic easing functions prefix each group of easing functions. The groups of easing functions are cubic, quad, quart, quint, sine, expo, circ, elastic, back, and bounce.

For example, the cubic group of easing functions would consist of ease-cubic, ease-in-cubic, ease-out-cubic, ease-in-out-cubic.


The fill attribute defines the effect of animation when not actively in play. Think of fill as what values the animation sets on the entity before and/or after each animation cycle. Below are the possible values for fill and their effects.

Value Description
backwards Before the animation starts, set the starting value to the from value.
both Combine the effects of both backwards fill and forwards fill.
forwards After the animation finishes, the final value will stay at the to value. The default fill.
none Before the animation starts, set the starting value to the initial value. After the animation finishes, reset the value to the initial value.


The repeat attribute defines how often the animation repeats. We call each repeat of the animation a cycle. Repeat can either be a number that counts down on each animation cycle until it reaches 0 at which point the animation will end, or we can set repeat to indefinite and the animation will loop continuously until the animation is manually removed or stopped.


The <a-animation> element emits a couple of events.

Event Name Description
animationend Emitted when the animation finishes. In case of repeats, emitted when the repeat count reaches 0. Not emitted for indefinite repeats.
animationstart Emitted immediately when the animation begins playing.