
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.4.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The screenshot component lets us take different types of screenshots by using keyboard shortcuts. A-Frame attaches this component to the scene by default so it’s automatically available.

To take a normal (perspective) screenshot, use the keyboard shortcut (<ctrl> + <alt> +s).

To take a 360° (equirectangular) screenshot, use the keyboard shortcut (<ctrl> + <alt> + <shift> +s).


Unless we wish to customize the screenshot, explicitly setting the screenshot component is not needed since it’s already attached to the scene by default. Otherwise, here’s an example:

<a-scene screenshot="projection: perspective"></a-scene>


Property Description Default Value
width The width in pixels of the screenshot taken. 4096
height The height in pixels of the screenshot taken. 2048
projection The screenshot type: perspective or equirectangular. equirectangular