Note: This documentation is for the old 1.0.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The tracked-controls component interfaces with tracked controllers. tracked-controls uses the Gamepad API to handle tracked controllers, and is abstracted by the hand-controls component as well as the vive-controls, oculus-touch-controls, windows-motion-controls, and daydream-controls components. This component elects the appropriate controller, applies pose to the entity, observes buttons state and emits appropriate events. For non-6DOF controllers such as daydream-controls, a primitive arm model is used to emulate positional data.
tracked-controls sets two components that handles different Web API versions for VR:
- tracked-controls-webvr
- tracked-controls-webxr
Note that due to recent browser-specific changes, Vive controllers may be returned by the Gamepad API with id values of either “OpenVR Gamepad” or “OpenVR Controller”, so using idPrefix for Vive / OpenVR controllers is recommended.
<a-entity tracked-controls="controller: 0; idPrefix: OpenVR"></a-entity> |
Property | Description | Default Value |
armModel | Whether the arm model is used for positional data if absent. | true |
autoHide | Whether to toggle visibility automatically when controller is connected or disconnected. | true |
controller | Index of the controller in array returned by the Gamepad API. | 0 |
id | Selects the controller from the Gamepad API using exact match. | |
idPrefix | Selects the controller from the Gamepad API using prefix match. | |
headElement | Head element for arm model if needed (if not active camera). | |
hand | Which hand to use, if arm model is needed. (left negates X) | right |
orientationOffset | Offset to apply to model orientation. | x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 |
Event Name | Description |
controllerconnected | Controller connected and set up. |
controllerdisconnected | Controller disconnected. |
axismove | Axis changed (e.g., for thumbstick, touchpad). Contains axis and axesChanged in the event detail. axis is an array of values from -1.0 (left, down) to 1.0 (right, up). |
buttonchanged | Any touch or press of a button fires this. |
buttondown | Button pressed. |
buttonup | Button released. |
touchstart | Touch sensitive button touched. |
touchend | Touch sensitive button released. |
More Resources
- Gamepad API - W3C Gamepad API
- OpenVR - OpenVR Documentation