Note: This documentation is for the old 1.0.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The box primitive creates shapes such as boxes, cubes, or walls.
<a-assets> |
Attribute | Component Mapping | Default Value |
ambient-occlusion-map | material.ambientOcclusionMap | None |
ambient-occlusion-map-intensity | material.ambientOcclusionMapIntensity | 1 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-offset | material.ambientOcclusionTextureOffset | 0 0 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-repeat | material.ambientOcclusionTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
color | material.color | #FFF |
depth | geometry.depth | 1 |
displacement-bias | material.displacementBias | 0.5 |
displacement-map | material.displacementMap | None |
displacement-scale | material.displacementScale | 1 |
displacement-texture-offset | material.displacementTextureOffset | 0 0 |
displacement-texture-repeat | material.displacementTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
env-map | material.envMap | None |
fog | material.fog | true |
height | geometry.height | 1 |
metalness | material.metalness | 0 |
normal-map | material.normalMap | None |
normal-scale | material.normalScale | 1 1 |
normal-texture-offset | material.normalTextureOffset | 0 0 |
normal-texture-repeat | material.normalTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
repeat | material.repeat | 1 1 |
roughness | material.roughness | 0.5 |
segments-depth | geometry.segmentsDepth | 1 |
segments-height | geometry.segmentsHeight | 1 |
segments-width | geometry.segmentsWidth | 1 |
spherical-env-map | material.sphericalEnvMap | None |
src | material.src | None |
width | geometry.width | 1 |
wireframe | material.wireframe | false |
wireframe-linewidth | material.wireframeLinewidth | 2 |