
Note: This documentation is for the old 1.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.6.0 version

The position component places entities at certain spots in 3D space. Position takes a coordinate value as three space-delimited numbers.

All entities inherently have the position component.


<a-entity position="0 1 -1"></a-entity>


A-Frame uses a right-handed coordinate system where the negative Z axis extends into the screen. The table below assumes looking down the negative Z axis from the origin.

Axis Description Default Value
x Negative X axis extends left. Positive X Axis extends right. 0
y Negative Y axis extends down. Positive Y Axis extends up. 0
z Negative Z axis extends in. Positive Z Axis extends out. 0

Relative Positioning

World-space positions of child entities inherit from parent entities. Consider this scene:

<a-entity id="parent" position="1 2 3">
<a-entity id="child1"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="child2" position="2 3 4"></a-entity>

The world-space position of #child1 would be 1 2 3 as inherited by the entity. In the local parent’s space, #child1‘s position would be 0 0 0.

The world-space position of #child2 would be 3 5 7, by combining the position with the parent entity. In the parent’s local space, #child2‘s position would be 2 3 4.

Updating Position

For performance and ergonomics, we recommend updating position directly via the three.js Object3D .position Vector3 versus via .setAttribute.

This method is easier because we have access to all the Vector3 utilities, and faster by skipping .setAttribute overhead and not needing to create an object to set position:

// With three.js
el.object3D.position.set(1, 2, 3);

// With .setAttribute (less recommended).
el.setAttribute('position', {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});

We can also do incremental updates (which is just modifying a number) and use Vector3 utilities:

el.object3D.position.x += 1;

Getting Position

To reflect updates done at the three.js level, A-Frame returns the actual Object3D.position vector object when doing .getAttribute('position'). Note modifying the return value will modify the entity itself.

See also reading position and rotation of the camera.

Order of Transformations

Transformations are applied to entities in this order: