Developing with three.js
Note: This documentation is for the old 1.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
Being a framework based on three.js, A-Frame provides full access to the three.js API. We’ll go over how to access the underlying three.js scene, objects, and API that lay underneath A-Frame.
Relationship Between A-Frame and three.js Scene Graphs
- A-Frame’s
maps one-to-one with a three.js scene. - A-Frame’s
maps to one or more three.js objects. - three.js’s objects have a reference to their A-Frame entity via
, which is set by A-Frame.
Parent-Child Relationships
When A-Frame entities are nested in parent-child relationships, so are their three.js objects. For example, take this A-Frame scene:
<a-scene> |
The three.js scene graph will correspond and look like:
THREE.Scene |
Accessing the three.js API
three.js is available as a global object on the window:
console.log(THREE); |
Working With three.js Objects
A-Frame is an abstraction on top of three.js, but we still operate with three.js underneath. A-Frame’s elements have doors that lead to three.js’s scene graph.
Accessing the three.js Scene
The three.js scene is accessible from the <a-scene>
element as .object3D
document.querySelector('a-scene').object3D; // THREE.Scene |
And every A-Frame entity also has a reference to <a-scene>
via .sceneEl
document.querySelector('a-entity').sceneEl.object3D; // THREE.Scene |
From a component, we access the scene through its entity
(i.e., this.el
AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { |
Accessing an Entity’s three.js Objects
Every A-Frame entity (e.g., <a-entity>
) has its own
, more specifically a THREE.Group
contains different types of Object3D
s. The root THREE.Group
of an entity is
accessed via .object3D
document.querySelector('a-entity').object3D; // THREE.Group |
Entities can be composed of multiple types of Object3D
s. For example,
an entity can be both a THREE.Mesh
and a THREE.Light
by having both
a geometry component and light component:
<a-entity geometry light></a-entity> |
Components add the mesh and light under the entity’s root THREE.Group
References to the mesh and light are stored as different types of three.js
objects in the entity’s .object3DMap
console.log(entityEl.object3DMap); |
But we can access them through the entity’s .getObject3D(name)
entityEl.getObject3D('mesh'); // THREE.Mesh |
Now let’s see how these three.js objects were set in the first place.
Setting an Object3D
on an Entity
Setting an Object3D
on an entity adds the Object3D
to the entity’s Group
which makes the newly set Object3D
part of the three.js scene. We set the
with the entity’s .setObject3D(name)
method where the name
denotes the Object3D
s purpose.
For example, to set a point light from within a component:
AFRAME.registerComponent('pointlight', { |
We set the light with the name light
. To later access it, we can use the
entity’s .getObject3D(name)
method as described before:
entityEl.getObject3D('light'); |
And when we set a three.js object on an A-Frame entity, A-Frame will set a
reference to the A-Frame entity from the three.js object via .el
entityEl.getObject3D('light').el; // entityEl |
Removing an Object3D
From an Entity
To remove an Object3D
from an entity, and consequently the three.js scene, we
can use the entity’s .removeObject3D(name)
method. Going back to our example
with the point light, we remove the light when the component is detached:
AFRAME.registerComponent('pointlight', { |
Transforming Between Coordinate Spaces
Every object and the scene (world) in general has their own coordinate space. A parent object’s position, rotation, and scale transformations are applied to its children’s position, rotation, and scale transformations. Consider this scene:
<a-entity id="foo" position="1 2 3"> |
From the world’s reference point, foo has position (1,2,3) and bar has position (3, 5, 7) since foo’s transformations apply onto bar’s. From foo’s reference point, foo has position (0, 0, 0) and bar has position (2, 3, 4).
Often we will want to transform between these reference points and coordinate spaces. Above was a simple example, but we might want to do operations such as finding the world-space coordinate of bar’s position, or translate an arbitrary coordinate into foo’s coordinate space. In 3D programming, these operations are accomplished with matrices, but three.js provides helpers to make them easier.
Local to World Transforms
Normally, we’d need to call .updateMatrixWorld ()
on parent Object3D
s, but
three.js defaults Object3D.matrixAutoUpdate
to true
. We can use three.js’s
.getWorldPosition (vector)
and .getWorldQuaternion (quaternion)
To get the world position of an Object3D
var worldPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); |
To get the world rotation of an Object3D
var worldQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); |
three.js Object3D
has more functions available for local-to-world transforms:
.localToWorld (vector)
.getWorldDirection (vector)
.getWorldQuaternion (quaternion)
.getWorldScale (vector)
World to Local Transforms
To obtain a matrix that transforms from world to an object’s local space, get the inverse of the object’s world matrix.
var worldToLocal = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(object3D.matrixWorld) |
Then we can apply that worldToLocal
matrix to anything we want to transform:
anotherObject3D.applyMatrix(worldToLocal); |