
Note: This documentation is for the old 1.5.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

Set this component on the scene element to render meshes corresponding to 3D surfaces detected in user’s enviornment: this includes planes and meshes corresponding to floor, ceiling, walls and other objects. Each plane or meshes comes with a label indicating the type of surface or object.

This component requires a browser with support for the [WebXR Mesh Detection Module](object pooling and the WebXR Plane Detection Module. The system / headset used might require additional scene setup by the use like setting up floor, walls, ceiling or labeling furniture in the space.


<a-scene real-world-meshing></a-scene>


Property Description Default Value
filterLabels List of labels corresponding to the surfaces that will be rendered. Can constrain rendering to certain surfaces like desks, walls, tables… All surfaces will be rendered if left empty. []
meshesEnabled If meshes will be rendered as returned by the WebXR Mesh Detection Module. true
meshMixin Mixin applied to the entities corresponding to the detected meshes. ‘’
planesEnabled If planes will be rendered as returned by the WebXR Plane Detection Module. true
planeMixin Mixin applied to the entities corresponding to the detected planes. ‘’