
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.4.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

A-Frame is a web framework for building virtual reality experiences. It was started by Mozilla VR to make WebVR content creation easier, faster, and more accessible.

A-Frame lets you build scenes with just HTML while having unlimited access to JavaScript, three.js, and all existing Web APIs. A-Frame uses an entity-component-system pattern that promotes composition and extensibility. It is free and open source with a welcoming community and a thriving ecosystem of tools and components.


HTML is one of the easiest languages to understand, and many of us are already familiar with it. There are no build steps or boilerplate required nor anything to install; all we need is an HTML file:

<script src=""></script>
<a-box color="#6173F4" opacity="0.8" depth="2"></a-box>
<a-sphere radius="2" src="texture.png" position="1 1 0"></a-sphere>
<a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>

<a-scene> contains all of the objects in our 3D scene. It also handles all of the setup that is traditionally required for 3D: setting up WebGL, the canvas, camera, lights, renderer, render loop as well as out of the box VR support on platforms such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung GearVR, and smartphones (Google Cardboard). Tons of repeated code eliminated with one clean line of HTML.

<a-scene> Image by Ruben Mueller from The VR Jump.

Then we can place objects within our scene using assorted primitive elements that come with A-Frame such as <a-box> or <a-sphere>. This is extremely readable, and we could copy and paste this HTML to any other scene and it would behave the same. And we can use the browser’s DOM Inspector just as we would with for any other web site.


We can use traditional JavaScript DOM APIs to manipulate A-Frame scenes to add logic, behavior, and functionality:

With JavaScript Image by Ruben Mueller from The VR Jump.

var box = document.querySelector('a-box');
box.addEventListener('click', function () {
box.setAttribute('color', 'red');

And being based on the DOM, most existing libraries and frameworks work beautifully on top of A-Frame such as React, Vue.js, d3.js, jQuery, or Angular. The existing web ecosystem of tools were built on top of the notion of manipulating plain HTML and are thus compatible with A-Frame.

Works with Everything


A-Frame at its core is an entity-component-system framework. Entity-component-system (ECS) is a pattern popular in game development and is prominent in game engines like Unity. ECS favors composition over inheritance. Every single object in the scene is an entity. An entity is an empty placeholder object that by itself does nothing. We plug in reusable components to attach appearance, behavior, functionality. And we can mix-and-match different components and configure them in order to define different types of objects.

Entity-Component Minecraft Analogy

Object-oriented and hierarchical patterns have well-suited the 2D web, where we lay out elements and components that have fixed behavior on a web page. 3D and VR is different; there are infinite types of objects with endless complexity. We need an easy way to build up different kinds of objects without having to create a special class for each one.

In A-Frame, an entity is simply:


A-Frame components (not to be confused with Web Components) are reusable modules that can be plugged into any entity. They are allowed to do anything and have full access to JavaScript, three.js, and Web APIs. The structure of a basic component may look like:

AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', {
schema: {
bar: {type: 'number'},
baz: {type: 'string'}

init: function () {
// Do something when component is plugged in.

update: function () {
// Do something when component's data is updated.

Then once defined, we can plug this bundle of appearance, behavior, or functionality into an entity straight from an HTML attribute.

<a-entity foo="bar: 5; baz: qux"></a-entity>

Component Ecosystem

A-Frame ships with several components, but since A-Frame is fully extensible at its core, the community has filled the ecosystem with tons of components such as physics, particle systems, audio visualizations, and Leap Motion controls. This ecosystem is the lifeblood of A-Frame. A developer can build a component and publish it, and then someone else can take that component and use it straight from HTML without even having to know any JavaScript.

These components are curated and collected into the A-Frame Registry. This is similar to the collection of components and modules on the Unity Asset Store, but free and open source. We make sure they work well and from there they are easily searchable and installable through multiple channels. One of which is through the A-Frame Inspector.

A-Frame Registry

A-Frame Inspector

The A-Frame Inspector is a visual tool for inspecting and editing A-Frame scenes. Similar to the browser’s DOM Inspector, you can go to any A-Frame scene, local or on the Web, and hit <ctrl> + <alt> + i on your keyboard.

This will open the visual Inspector where you can make changes and return to the scene with the reflected changes. You can visually move and place objects, poke around with properties of the components, or pan the camera around to see a different view of the scene. It’s like viewing the source in an interactive way.

A-Frame Inspector

The A-Frame Inspector is integrated with the A-Frame Registry. From the Inspector, you can install components from the Registry and attach them to objects in the scene with a couple of clicks.


A-Frame is powerful and performant enough to create compelling experiences. The Mozilla VR team built A-Painter, a room scale Vive experience where you can paint with both of your hands right within the browser. It was built on the order of weeks and runs well at over 90 frames per second.



In the manner of other open source projects such as Rust and Servo, while it is primarily maintained by Mozilla, A-Frame is an open-source community project. We work together to realize the vision of an open, connected, and immersive WebVR platform and ecosystem not owned by any one corporation.

Community Scenes

Join us on Slack to hang out or share projects. Check out recent projects that people have been working on in the weekly A-Frame Blog. Ask questions and seek help on Stack Overflow. And if you have something to share, just tweet it @aframevr, and we’ll try to share it. Now let’s get started!