
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.2.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The position component defines where an entity is placed in the scene’s world space. It takes a coordinate value as three space-delimited numbers.

All entities inherently have the position component.


<a-entity position="0 1 -1"></a-entity>


A-Frame uses a right-handed coordinate system where the negative Z axis extends into the screen. The table below assumes looking down the negative Z axis from the origin.

Axis Description Default Value
x Negative X axis extends left. Positive X Axis extends right. 0
y Negative Y axis extends up. Positive Y Axis extends down. 0
z Negative Z axis extends in. Positive Z Axis extends out. 0

Relative Positioning

World-space positions of child entities are inherited from parent entities. Consider this scene:

<a-entity id="parent" position="1 2 3">
<a-entity id="child-1"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="child-2" position="2 3 4"></a-entity>

The world-space position of #child1 would be 1 2 3 as inherited by the entity. In the local parent’s space, #child1‘s position would be seen as 0 0 0.

The world-space position of #child2 would be 3 5 7, by combining the position with the parent entity. In the parent’s local space, #child2‘s position would be seen as 2 3 4.