Asset Management System

Note: This documentation is for the old 0.2.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

Games and rich 3D experiences traditionally preload many of their assets, such as models or textures, before rendering their scenes. This makes sure that assets aren’t missing visually, and this is benenficial for performance to ensure scenes don’t try to fetch assets while rendering. A-Frame has an asset management system that allows us to place all of our assets in one place and to preload and cache assets for better performance.

Assets are placed within <a-assets>, and <a-assets> is placed within <a-scene>. Assets include:

  • <a-asset-item> - Miscellaneous assets such as 3D models
  • <a-mixin> - Reusable mixins
  • <audio> - Sound files
  • <img> - Image textures
  • <video> - Video textures

Then the scene will block until all of these assets are fetched (or error out) before playing.


We can define all of our assets in <a-assets> and point to those assets from our entities using selectors:

<!-- Asset management system. -->
<a-asset-item id="horse-obj" src="horse.obj></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="horse-mtl" src="horse.mtl></a-asset-item>

<a-mixin id="giant" scale="5 5 5"></a-mixin>

<audio src="neigh.mp3"></a-mixin>

<img id="advertisement" src="ad.png">

<video id="kentucky-derby" src="derby.mp4>

<!-- Scene. -->
<a-entity mixin="giant" obj-model="obj: #horse-obj; mtl: #horse-mtl"></a-entity>
<a-entity geometry="primitive: plane" material="src: #kentucky-derby"></a-entity>
<a-entity geometry="primitive: plane" material="src: #advertisement></a-entity>

Then the scene will wait for all of the assets for rendering.


Loading assets from a different domain requires cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers. Else we have to serve the asset ourselves.

For some options, all resources hosted on GitHub Pages are served with CORS headers. We highly recommend GitHub Pages as a simple deployment platform. Alternatively, we could also upload assets using the A-Frame + Uploadcare Uploader, a service that will help serve our assets CORS’d.

Given that CORS headers are set, if fetching a texture from a different origin or domain such as from an image hosting service or a CDN, then we should specify the crossorigin attribute on the <img>, <video>, or <canvas> element used to create a texture. [CORS][corsimage] security mechanisms in the browser generally disallow reading raw data from media elements from other domains if not explicitly allowed:

<video id="cdn-video" src="http://somecdn/somevideo.mp4" crossorigin="anonymous">

<a-entity geometry="primitive: box" material="src: #cdn-video"></a-entity>

Caveat is that currently, Safari and Chromium do not seem to respect the crossorigin attribute or property, whereas Firefox and Chrome do.

Preloading Audio and Video

Audio and video assets will only block the scene if autoplay is set or if preload="auto":

<!-- These will not block. -->
<audio src="blockus.mp3">
<video src="loadofblocks.mp4">

<!-- These will block. -->
<audio src="blocky.mp3" autoplay>
<video src="blockiscooking.mp4" preload="auto">

Setting a Timeout

If some assets are taking an extremely long time to load, we may want to set an appropriate timeout such that the user isn’t waiting all day. When the timeout is reached, then the scene will start playing regardless of whether all the assets have loaded.

The default timeout is 3 seconds. To set a different timeout, we just pass in the number of milliseconds to the timeout attribute:

<a-assets timeout="10000">
<!-- You got until the count of 10 to load, else the show will go on without you. -->
<img src="bigimage.png">


Since <a-assets> and <a-asset-item> are nodes in A-Frame, they will emit the loaded event when they say they have finished loading.

Event Name Description
loaded All assets were loaded, or assets timed out.
timeout Assets timed out.

Event Name Description
loaded Asset pointed to by src was loaded.


Audio and video assets are HTMLMediaElements. These events are provided by the browser, but noted here for convenience:

Event Name Description
error There was an error loading the asset.
loadeddata Progress.
progress Progress.

A-Frame uses the progress events, comparing how much time was buffered with the duration of the asset, in order to detect when the asset has been loaded.