
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.2.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The cylinder primitive is an entity that prescribes the geometry with its geometric primitive set to cylinder. It can be used to create tubes and curved surfaces.


The cylinder primitive is versatile and can actually be used to create various shapes:

<!-- Basic cylinder. -->
<a-cylinder color="crimson" height="3" radius="1.5"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Hexagon. -->
<a-cylinder color="cyan" segments-radial="8"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Pac-man. -->
<a-cylinder color="yellow" theta-start="50" theta-length="280" side="double"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Green pipe. -->
<a-cylinder color="green" open-ended="true"></a-cylinder>


Note that the cylinder primitive inherits common mesh attributes.

Attribute Component Mapping Default Value
height geometry.height 1.5
open-ended geometry.openEnded false
radius geometry.radius 0.75
segments-height geometry.segmentsHeight 1
segments-radial geometry.segmentsRadial 36
theta-length geometry.thetaLength 360
theta-start geometry.thetaStart 0