
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The stats component displays a UI with performance-related metrics. The stats component applies only to the <a-scene> element.


<a-scene stats></a-scene>


  • fps: frames per second, framerate. Aim for stable 90 fps with the WebVR 1.0 API.
  • requestAnimationFrame (raf): Latency.
  • Textures: number of three.js textures in the scene. A lower count means less memory is being used and less data is being sent to the GPU.
  • Programs: number of GLSL shaders in the scene.
  • Geometries: number of three.js geometries in the scene. A lower count means less memory is being used.
  • Vertices: number of vertices in the scene.
  • Faces: number of faces in the scene.
  • Calls: number of draw calls on each frame.
  • Load Time: how long it took for the scene to start rendering, in ms.
  • Entities: number of A-Frame entities.

Toggling UI

Click or tap on the headings to collapse groups of metrics. If you tap “Framerate”, then fps and raf will collapse.