Note: This documentation is for the old 0.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The camera primitive places the user somewhere within the scene. It is an entity that prescribes the camera component with mappings to controls-related components.
Note that by default, the camera origin will be at 0 1.6 0
in desktop mode
and 0 0 0
in VR mode. Read about the camera.userHeight
<a-scene> |
Attribute | Component Mapping | Default Value |
far | camera.far | 10000 |
fov | camera.fov | 80 |
look-controls-enabled | look-controls.enabled | true |
near | camera.near | 0.5 |
user-height | camera.userHeight | 1.6 |
wasd-controls-enabled | wasd-controls.enabled | true |
Manually Positioning the Camera
To position the camera, set the position on a wrapper <a-entity>
. Don’t set
the position directly on the camera primitive because controls will quickly
override the set position:
<a-entity position="0 0 5"> |