
Note: This documentation is for the old 0.3.0 version of A-Frame. Check out the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The sphere primitive creates a spherical or polyhedron shapes. It wraps an entity that prescribes the geometry component with its geometric primitive set to sphere.


<a-sphere color="yellow" radius="5"></a-sphere>


Attribute Component Mapping Default Value
color material.color #FFF
metalness material.metalness 0
opacity material.opacity 1
phi-length geometry.phiLength 360
phi-start geometry.phiStart 0
radius geometry.radius 1
repeat material.repeat None
roughness material.roughness 0.5
segments-height geometry.segmentsHeight 18
segments-width geometry.segmentsWidth 36
shader material.shader standard
side material.side front
src material.src None
theta-length geometry.thetaLength 180
theta-start geometry.thetaStart 0
transparent material.transparent false