NOTE: This version of the documentation tracks unstable development happening on A-Frame’s
branch. If you wish to try it out, grab the unstable build. Otherwise, head to the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The circle primitive creates circles surfaces using the geometry
component with the type set to circle
<a-scene> |
Attribute | Component Mapping | Default Value |
alpha-test | material.alphaTest | 0 |
ambient-occlusion-map | material.ambientOcclusionMap | None |
ambient-occlusion-map-intensity | material.ambientOcclusionMapIntensity | 1 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-offset | material.ambientOcclusionTextureOffset | 0 0 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-repeat | material.ambientOcclusionTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
anisotropy | material.anisotropy | 0 |
blending | material.blending | normal |
color | material.color | #FFF |
depth-test | material.depthTest | true |
depth-write | material.depthWrite | true |
displacement-bias | material.displacementBias | 0.5 |
displacement-map | material.displacementMap | None |
displacement-scale | material.displacementScale | 1 |
displacement-texture-offset | material.displacementTextureOffset | 0 0 |
displacement-texture-repeat | material.displacementTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
dithering | material.dithering | true |
emissive | material.emissive | #000 |
emissive-intensity | material.emissiveIntensity | 1 |
env-map | material.envMap | None |
flat-shading | material.flatShading | false |
height | material.height | 256 |
material-fog | material.fog | true |
material-visible | material.visible | true |
metalness | material.metalness | 0 |
metalness-map | material.metalnessMap | None |
metalness-texture-offset | material.metalnessTextureOffset | 0 0 |
metalness-texture-repeat | material.metalnessTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
normal-map | material.normalMap | None |
normal-scale | material.normalScale | 1 1 |
normal-texture-offset | material.normalTextureOffset | 0 0 |
normal-texture-repeat | material.normalTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
npot | material.npot | false |
offset | material.offset | 0 0 |
opacity | material.opacity | 1 |
radius | geometry.radius | 1 |
repeat | material.repeat | 1 1 |
roughness | material.roughness | 0.5 |
roughness-map | material.roughnessMap | None |
roughness-texture-offset | material.roughnessTextureOffset | 0 0 |
roughness-texture-repeat | material.roughnessTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
segments | geometry.segments | 32 |
shader | material.shader | standard |
side | material.side | front |
spherical-env-map | material.sphericalEnvMap | None |
src | material.src | None |
theta-length | geometry.thetaLength | 360 |
theta-start | geometry.thetaStart | 0 |
transparent | material.transparent | false |
vertex-colors-enabled | material.vertexColorsEnabled | false |
width | material.width | 512 |
wireframe | material.wireframe | false |
wireframe-linewidth | material.wireframeLinewidth | 2 |
Parallelizing to the Ground
To make a circle parallel to the ground, rotate it around the X-axis:
<a-circle rotation="-90 0 0"></a-circle> |