
NOTE: This version of the documentation tracks unstable development happening on A-Frame’s master branch. If you wish to try it out, grab the unstable build. Otherwise, head to the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version

The cylinder primitive is used to create tubes and curved surfaces.


The cylinder primitive is versatile and can be used to create different kinds of shapes:

<!-- Basic cylinder. -->
<a-cylinder color="crimson" height="3" radius="1.5"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Hexagon. -->
<a-cylinder color="cyan" segments-radial="6"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Pac-man. -->
<a-cylinder color="yellow" theta-start="50" theta-length="280" side="double"></a-cylinder>

<!-- Green pipe. -->
<a-cylinder color="green" open-ended="true"></a-cylinder>

In degrees, thetaStart defines where to start the arc and thetaLength defines where the arc ends.

Also, we can create a tube by making the cylinder open-ended, which removes the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder such that the inside is visible. Then, we need a double-sided material to render properly:

<a-cylinder color="cyan" material="side: double" open-ended="true" rotation="90 0 0"></a-cylinder>


Attribute Component Mapping Default Value
alpha-test material.alphaTest 0
ambient-occlusion-map material.ambientOcclusionMap None
ambient-occlusion-map-intensity material.ambientOcclusionMapIntensity 1
ambient-occlusion-texture-offset material.ambientOcclusionTextureOffset 0 0
ambient-occlusion-texture-repeat material.ambientOcclusionTextureRepeat 1 1
anisotropy material.anisotropy 0
blending material.blending normal
color material.color #FFF
depth-test material.depthTest true
depth-write material.depthWrite true
displacement-bias material.displacementBias 0.5
displacement-map material.displacementMap None
displacement-scale material.displacementScale 1
displacement-texture-offset material.displacementTextureOffset 0 0
displacement-texture-repeat material.displacementTextureRepeat 1 1
dithering material.dithering true
emissive material.emissive #000
emissive-intensity material.emissiveIntensity 1
env-map material.envMap None
flat-shading material.flatShading false
height geometry.height 1
material-fog material.fog true
material-visible material.visible true
metalness material.metalness 0
metalness-map material.metalnessMap None
metalness-texture-offset material.metalnessTextureOffset 0 0
metalness-texture-repeat material.metalnessTextureRepeat 1 1
normal-map material.normalMap None
normal-scale material.normalScale 1 1
normal-texture-offset material.normalTextureOffset 0 0
normal-texture-repeat material.normalTextureRepeat 1 1
npot material.npot false
offset material.offset 0 0
opacity material.opacity 1
open-ended geometry.openEnded false
radius geometry.radius 1
repeat material.repeat 1 1
roughness material.roughness 0.5
roughness-map material.roughnessMap None
roughness-texture-offset material.roughnessTextureOffset 0 0
roughness-texture-repeat material.roughnessTextureRepeat 1 1
segments-height geometry.segmentsHeight 18
segments-radial geometry.segmentsRadial 36
shader material.shader standard
side material.side front
spherical-env-map material.sphericalEnvMap None
src material.src None
theta-length geometry.thetaLength 360
theta-start geometry.thetaStart 0
transparent material.transparent false
vertex-colors-enabled material.vertexColorsEnabled false
width material.width 512
wireframe material.wireframe false
wireframe-linewidth material.wireframeLinewidth 2