NOTE: This version of the documentation tracks unstable development happening on A-Frame’s
branch. If you wish to try it out, grab the unstable build. Otherwise, head to the documentation for the current 1.7.0 version
The cylinder primitive is used to create tubes and curved surfaces.
The cylinder primitive is versatile and can be used to create different kinds of shapes:
<!-- Basic cylinder. --> |
In degrees, thetaStart
defines where to start the arc and thetaLength
defines where the arc ends.
Also, we can create a tube by making the cylinder open-ended, which removes the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder such that the inside is visible. Then, we need a double-sided material to render properly:
<a-cylinder color="cyan" material="side: double" open-ended="true" rotation="90 0 0"></a-cylinder> |
Attribute | Component Mapping | Default Value |
alpha-test | material.alphaTest | 0 |
ambient-occlusion-map | material.ambientOcclusionMap | None |
ambient-occlusion-map-intensity | material.ambientOcclusionMapIntensity | 1 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-offset | material.ambientOcclusionTextureOffset | 0 0 |
ambient-occlusion-texture-repeat | material.ambientOcclusionTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
anisotropy | material.anisotropy | 0 |
blending | material.blending | normal |
color | material.color | #FFF |
depth-test | material.depthTest | true |
depth-write | material.depthWrite | true |
displacement-bias | material.displacementBias | 0.5 |
displacement-map | material.displacementMap | None |
displacement-scale | material.displacementScale | 1 |
displacement-texture-offset | material.displacementTextureOffset | 0 0 |
displacement-texture-repeat | material.displacementTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
dithering | material.dithering | true |
emissive | material.emissive | #000 |
emissive-intensity | material.emissiveIntensity | 1 |
env-map | material.envMap | None |
flat-shading | material.flatShading | false |
height | geometry.height | 1 |
material-fog | material.fog | true |
material-visible | material.visible | true |
metalness | material.metalness | 0 |
metalness-map | material.metalnessMap | None |
metalness-texture-offset | material.metalnessTextureOffset | 0 0 |
metalness-texture-repeat | material.metalnessTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
normal-map | material.normalMap | None |
normal-scale | material.normalScale | 1 1 |
normal-texture-offset | material.normalTextureOffset | 0 0 |
normal-texture-repeat | material.normalTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
npot | material.npot | false |
offset | material.offset | 0 0 |
opacity | material.opacity | 1 |
open-ended | geometry.openEnded | false |
radius | geometry.radius | 1 |
repeat | material.repeat | 1 1 |
roughness | material.roughness | 0.5 |
roughness-map | material.roughnessMap | None |
roughness-texture-offset | material.roughnessTextureOffset | 0 0 |
roughness-texture-repeat | material.roughnessTextureRepeat | 1 1 |
segments-height | geometry.segmentsHeight | 18 |
segments-radial | geometry.segmentsRadial | 36 |
shader | material.shader | standard |
side | material.side | front |
spherical-env-map | material.sphericalEnvMap | None |
src | material.src | None |
theta-length | geometry.thetaLength | 360 |
theta-start | geometry.thetaStart | 0 |
transparent | material.transparent | false |
vertex-colors-enabled | material.vertexColorsEnabled | false |
width | material.width | 512 |
wireframe | material.wireframe | false |
wireframe-linewidth | material.wireframeLinewidth | 2 |