
NOTE: This version of the documentation tracks unstable development happening on A-Frame’s master branch. If you wish to try it out, grab the unstable build. Otherwise, head to the documentation for the current 1.6.0 version

The torus primitive creates donut or tube shapes using the geometry component with the type set to torus.


<a-torus color="#43A367" arc="270" radius="5" radius-tubular="0.1"></a-torus>


Attribute Component Mapping Default Value
ambient-occlusion-map material.ambientOcclusionMap None
ambient-occlusion-map-intensity material.ambientOcclusionMapIntensity 1
ambient-occlusion-texture-offset material.ambientOcclusionTextureOffset 0 0
ambient-occlusion-texture-repeat material.ambientOcclusionTextureRepeat 1 1
arc geometry.arc 360
color material.color #FFF
displacement-bias material.displacementBias 0.5
displacement-map material.displacementMap None
displacement-scale material.displacementScale 1
displacement-texture-offset material.displacementTextureOffset 0 0
displacement-texture-repeat material.displacementTextureRepeat 1 1
env-map material.envMap None
fog material.fog true
height material.height 256
metalness material.metalness 0
normal-map material.normalMap None
normal-scale material.normalScale 1 1
normal-texture-offset material.normalTextureOffset 0 0
normal-texture-repeat material.normalTextureRepeat 1 1
radius geometry.radius 1
radius-tubular geometry.radiusTubular 0.2
repeat material.repeat 1 1
roughness material.roughness 0.5
segments-radial geometry.segmentsRadial 36
segments-tubular geometry.segmentsTubular 32
spherical-env-map material.sphericalEnvMap None
src material.src None
width material.width 512
wireframe material.wireframe false
wireframe-linewidth material.wireframeLinewidth 2