A Week of A-Frame 64
What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Jun 2, 2017 to Jun 9, 2017.Forest Wave by @alfredofrlphttps://t.co/0PlItkeLGF pic.twitter.com/2tsdYX5N5b
— A-Frame (@aframevr) June 15, 2017
Them #vr #environment gifs with @aframevr pic.twitter.com/pv9YxlguRa
— Trevor Waldorf (@tjwaldorf) June 7, 2017
🤺 Lightsaber-based interaction coming in @aframevr 0.6.0! Laser-style interaction across Vive/Rift/Daydream/GearVR with one line of HTML. pic.twitter.com/PQIVk4gd7Q
— Kevin Ngo (@andgokevin) June 7, 2017
Adventures in <a-hexgrid/> land.
— Don McCurdy (@donrmccurdy) June 8, 2017
Scene made with von-grid editor: https://t.co/P1KdLifbAj
// @aframevr #threejs #webvr pic.twitter.com/itwqzDT9rh
"Test Center": A WebVR Psychedelic Jazz Ballet -- work in progress, now in #AFrameVR! Blog post coming soon #WebVR #WebGL #MetaverseDance pic.twitter.com/DApL39xmRi
— Matt Hoe (@MetaverseDance) June 5, 2017
When you are bored what do you do? Well.. some @aframevr art! 😆
— Etienne Pinchon (@EtiennePinchon) June 9, 2017
Yes yes WebVR Art is the new hype 👌 pic.twitter.com/CR15U0iCDu
#aframevr and #d3js work really well together! more to follow... pic.twitter.com/MlGaHAOadM
— Ian Johnson (@enjalot) June 7, 2017
<a-animation> can make the ground rise @aframevr https://t.co/ZRU7LlAAkx pic.twitter.com/bOcPs3VKJP
— Ben Pyrik (@bryik_ws) June 9, 2017
Made a little 360° seascape scene using A-Painter tonight :)https://t.co/cDVdZbfPiY pic.twitter.com/pEGV3o8Yxh
— Andres Cuervo (@acwervo) June 8, 2017
Animaciones en WebVR con @aframevr.
— Enrique Rubio (@erubiosa) June 8, 2017
En @autentia nos apasionan las nuevas tecnologías. Pronto tutoriales en @adictosaltrabaj pic.twitter.com/TojO0KTEEx
My @aframevr demo is ready for tomorrow talk at @web2day about WebVR : livestreaming screen with vlc to html5 video in A-Frame/three.js 😀 pic.twitter.com/J0VTRQkqoa
— Vincent Ogloblinsky (@vogloblinsky) June 6, 2017
Who says you can't do decent graphics and effects in #WebVR #AframeVR #reactjs 🏂 pic.twitter.com/p3mHbTO3DM
— Mo Kargas (@mokargas) June 5, 2017
Back into some #WebVR with #AFrameVR today. Mirrors and cursors and lighting, oh my! pic.twitter.com/gTjTT5E4ZK
— Mo Kargas (@mokargas) June 3, 2017
Cool! @aframevr just featured one of my recent simulation projects: "Ground Control" check it out here: https://t.co/3Xy3s1weO6 #VR https://t.co/cr0uzBh4jU
— Zach C (@zachcaceres) June 6, 2017
Updated THETA media guide with new section on #WebVR with @aframevr https://t.co/NbFxc0aWCY pic.twitter.com/sCxHasM1Ts
— THETA360 Unofficial (@theta360dev) June 7, 2017
Created a super simple minecraft tutorial using @aframevr: https://t.co/kDvtnU2eiv
— Jack (@tipikal) June 4, 2017
PORTVL - A 3D cubic billboard accessible in Virtual Reality (also accessible in normal 3D). Pieces of the cube are sold as customizable advertising spots and will act as VR portals to users’ VR websites.
Hopes & Dreams - 360° video for Brookline community reflecting on social justice achievements and ongoing challenges. Submitted to various film festivals.
Super Hands👐 for @aframevr #WebVR is growing up
— Will Murphy 🔥E🌳½1⃣ (@Datatitian) June 8, 2017
🏃Locomotion, two-handed grabbing, & more
v1.0.0 beta on master nowhttps://t.co/aZRzjFZGRI pic.twitter.com/EL6BB9RXWi
Giving a talk on introduction to the world of WebVR/AR (XR) at @GDGChennai July meetup on @aframevr and @jerome_etienne 's AR.js #VR #AR #XR pic.twitter.com/7mgFLY8K9j
— Karan Ganesan (@karanganesan) June 4, 2017
Next video is up: @end3r is talking about #WebVR with @aframevr, and #HTML5 #gamedev https://t.co/QQbTlFP59z #Mozilla #DevRoadshow
— Gamedev.js (@Gamedevjs) June 5, 2017
@Fasility_VR will be leading conversation about future of #3D websites, #WebVR & @aframevr this week. Great networking event in Brookline! https://t.co/CShVCRBznl
— Kathy Trogolo (@ktrogolo) June 3, 2017
An awesome thing abt @mozilla's @aframevr is its HTML API, allowing you to use the library without JS (or programming) knowledge - @LeaVerou pic.twitter.com/FuoLNZsu5C
— Anjana Vakil (@AnjanaVakil) June 3, 2017
It's great! We're doing a workshop in August: https://t.co/6Mttby9BUH
— DMG (@DMGToronto) June 3, 2017