Step Inside the Computer World, TRON!

Designer-developer Donovan Kraeker has created a world inside the computer where humankind has never been. Never before now.
Imagine a website that teleports you into the computer where you can travel around at high speeds and watch information as it flows through the circuits. This Tron-inspired project was built with this in mind, along with creating a sense of scale that has never existed before in a website.
Jump over to, don your Oculus headset and a solid pair of headphones, and navigate your light cycle with your WASD keys.
The world consists of a bright blue grid-patterned ground that repeats itself beyond the similarly styled buildings. The ceiling effect was made by laying a few repeated images of darkened circuitry and using the fog attribute on
. The buildings are simple cubes with an image designed to link its growing blue lines. The highways are transparent PNG images stretched out for thousands of points, with animated vehicle PNGs driving along them. Upon entering the world, an animation is initiated of an aerial security transport vehicle as it begins scanning the area for intruders. With first-person WASD camera controls, the acceleration is cranked up to 1000, allowing you to speed though the computer-generated world.
This was meant to be a quick project, but it could easily expand to hundreds of highways, buildings, and other features. Just like growing a regular website or blog, this world could continue to expand out for miles and miles without a sense of ending.