A Week of A-Frame 170 - 172
What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Jun 21, 2019 to Jul 12, 2019.OculusQuestのコントローラーの座標とアクションを読み取って、動的にアニメーション生成するVRできたーーー!JavaScript初心者すぎて、めちゃくちゃ苦労したけど、丸一日頑張ったらなんとかなったー!やったー!#OculusQuest #aframevr pic.twitter.com/buT2gLRNVK
— 零 (@shadow_burst) June 23, 2019
Messing about with client side per-vertex AO baking in @aframevr, over the top right now, but cheap & easy 😉 Props to #threejs, @mrdoob & @aframevr team 👍. I had to code next to nothing myself, octree for raytracing in <80 lines...mind blown🤯#webxr #webvr pic.twitter.com/MVh55Ytj8w
— Paul Brunt (@super_eggbert) July 11, 2019
A new component for aframevr that allows you to include normal html and css in your scene. Plus, it allows for direct manipulation and interaction from inside aframe, so you can quickly build UI using simple html and css. https://t.co/wLD0WrzJSM@aframevr #vr #webxr #webvr pic.twitter.com/ME4LkwN0aH
— Paul Brunt (@super_eggbert) June 30, 2019
VR portfolio in Oculus Quest with A-Frame https://t.co/SfnT5ZX2wl #aframevr pic.twitter.com/rWKV2kTziH
— だら🍔技術系投稿サービス運営中 (@dala00) July 5, 2019
"The Journey To My New #WebVR Website" 🚀
— Danilo Pasquariello (@theDart76) July 5, 2019
( series of steps before bringing it to life ) 👣
3. "Come To Daddy" 🎣@aframevr #TheJourneyToMyNewWebVRWebsite#WebXR #VR #UXofVR #Immersive #WebDesign pic.twitter.com/OYCqiGvgns
VR radio controled car with stick. (also wasd control is available for pc browser) https://t.co/EqJo4jW7IJ #oculusquest #oculusquestdev #aframevr pic.twitter.com/0pm7MBXYx4
— だら🍔技術系投稿サービス運営中 (@dala00) June 22, 2019