
A Week of A-Frame 140 - 142

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Dec 14, 2018 to Jan 3, 2019.
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A Week of A-Frame 139

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Dec 7, 2018 to Dec 14, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 138

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Nov 30, 2018 to Dec 7, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 137

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Nov 22, 2018 to Nov 29, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 132 - 138

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Oct 12, 2018 to Nov 23, 2018.

Part 2 of 2 of catching up. Sorry for the delays! I’ve built A-Frame Weekender, a tool for myself to get these out faster without spending hours per week.

Work has started on getting WebXR support into A-Frame, though progress on the spec is yet ongoing, browser support is limited, and feature parity with WebVR 1.1 is still not there. But something to have to do going forward. 0.9.0 should release before end of year!

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A Week of A-Frame 129 - 132

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Sep 14, 2018 to Oct 12, 2018.

Sorry, I haven’t been able to get these roundups out! Been focusing on building an A-Frame game and working on A-Frame itself. This is part 1 of 2 of catching up. I plan on building a tool to help me get these out faster and more frequently.

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A Week of A-Frame 124 - 128

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Aug 10, 2018 to Sep 14, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 120 - 123

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Jul 13, 2018 to Aug 10, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 116 - 119

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Jun 8, 2018 to Jul 13, 2018.
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A Week of A-Frame 115

What's up with A-Frame, a WebVR framework for building virtual reality experiences, from Jun 8, 2018 to Jun 15, 2018.

Diego has started work on VR post-processing support on both A-Frame and three.js! Get ready for WebVR apps to look nice and bloomy.

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